visual designer
a gentle way tom morse-brown 01.jpg

A Gentle Way


A Gentle Way

In branding, I help other people tell their story. In this project I tell my own!

So what is my story? Mine is a journey from a rule and belief-based religion to a process of gentle inquiry that led to love, and the discovery of my inner power to break with addiction. 

This zine contains over 20 years of sketches from my journal and a narrative I built that connects them. I self-published the zine and launched it at KC Zine Conference on June 23, 2024, and in August of the same year, I received an award in the Illustration category at the American Institute of Graphic Arts A19. Download a copy of the zine here!

all illustrations on the floor
illustratons on the wall
cutting and pasting the zine
a gentle way zine page 5
one image spread
Tom with his AIGA A19 award
Tom at KCZineCon 2024